Thursday, November 3, 2011

It's Birthday Month!

I loooovvveee November. Reason number one: it's my birthday month! Reason number two: it sort of kicks off the Holiday season. I love the Holidays!! My Bday (yes, it's a holiday), Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's! Poinsettas, wreaths, boots, cookeis, hot chocolate, baking, Charlie Brown re-runs, cutting down a Christmas tree.. I'll take it all!
I will say I think I love it so much because my Grandma and Mom always made the season so special. Some of my greatest childhood memories are from this time of year. Shopping with my Grandma for Christmas presents ( she always bought me things and then let me have them early!), finding  my Christmas gifts under my parent's bed (like the time they bought me ballet slippers and I wore them every day durring Christmas break and then put them back in the box and under the bed before they came home from work).. the list goes on!
Some of my favorite Holiday Traditions are:
1. Recent tradition: Black Friday shopping with my Hubs. He seriously goes in to super shopper mode, it's so fun.
2. Peppermint schnopps and hot chocolate. My mom serves this every Christmas Eve.
3. Making fun of my Mom for falling asleep in church. She does every year and we love to make fun of her, this is pre schnopps, of course :)
4. Cutting down a Christmas tree. Super fun!!! And super cold.
5. Getting new pj's from my mom every Christmas Eve! It's mandatory to change in to them before you can get your schnopps and hot chocolate!

What are yours??